Our services
Everything from a single provider – we install the complete platform within a very short time and hand it over to you “ready to use”. We train your staff and support them in setting up the learning opportunities. Our service & support team ensures the operation of the platform and is available to you in case of problems.

You are not sure which ec-ol modules you need to cover your requirements? We advise you on the introduction of the platform and select the appropriate modules together with you.
In addition, we are happy to advise you on all technical questions, such as the required server capacity or the necessary internet bandwidth.

Setting up the platform
We install the platform according to your specifications on the servers you provide. If you wish, we can also arrange for a hosting partner to operate the platform securely and in compliance with data protection laws in a German data centre.
During installation, we adapt the look and feel of the platform to your requirements. This way, it becomes your individual offer that can be accessed from your existing website.
In addition to the modules you choose, we install and configure all the necessary tools for user administration and system monitoring. We hand over the system to you “turnkey ready”.

Our extensive range of training courses supports you and your staff in exploiting the potential of ec-ol. In our training courses, we provide you with in-depth knowledge on all relevant topics. We are happy to tailor the training content to your requirements and specifically address your individual use cases.
User training for Moodle and Nextcloud
We teach you the basics of using Moodle and Nextcloud. You will learn, for example, how to deposit work sheets, background information or learning videos in the cloud and make them available to the participants. You will learn how to create online courses, manage course participants or conduct tests.
Training for your development team
Familiarise yourself with the extensive functionalities of Moodle and Nextcloud and discover a variety of possibilities for preparing your content in a way that is suitable for the target group.
Training for BigBlueButton
Feel safe when using our video conferencing tool. How to set up secure conference rooms? How to share your screen? How to chat with the participants or initiate polls?
Administrator training
Learn everything you need to know about the administration and maintenance of the platform. Gain a deep insight into the ec-ol server structure as well as its administration and monitoring.

Support with content development
Our team of experienced e-learning specialists is at your side during the conception of your content and actively supports you in its construction.

Maintenance and operation
Our technicians monitor the system together with you and react promptly to any problems. We regularly check your system, all modules and the plug-ins used to ensure they are up to date and install relevant updates.

Further development and adaptation
Do you need further modules?
We will be happy to advise you and integrate the modules into ec-ol for you.

Customizing Moodle
Do you need to extend your Moodle platform? Would you like a customized Moodle theme or do you have requirements that are not covered by the standard Moodle installation?
Then get in touch with us. We have extensive experience in customizing your platform. We develop Moodle themes according to your wishes. We create scripts and plugins to extend Moodle functionality and integrate them into your Moodle platform. If required, we also adapt the core Moodle source code to implement your requirements.
In addition to plugins and extensions, we also develop tools for monitoring your ec-ol platform, such as the Moodle Cockpit for monitoring your Moodle instances.