
The ec-ol modules

All the modules we use are open source and are used worldwide. Due to the openness of the systems, they are continuously tested for vulnerabilities and further developed. They are used by schools, universities, companies, governments and international organisations. Data protection officers have confirmed their secure and GDPR-compliant use. And there is an incredible amount of free material on how to use and deploy the modules.

And very important: you don’t have to pay any licence fees to use the modules!

The modules in detail:

WordPress – a good start

Access to the ec-ol modules is via a login that can be integrated directly into your existing website.

An interesting alternative is an individually designed portal according to your ideas. On this so-called landing page, you can store information, publish news articles, announce maintenance windows or offer freely accessible content. And, of course, your customers, employees or students can access the modules of ec-ol via their login.

For this portal, ec-ol uses the content management system WordPress, which is already used in almost 40% of all websites worldwide.
(Source: https://trends.builtwith.com/cms retrieved on 27.10.2020)

WordPress is easily customisable and offers many design options. In addition to the actual website functionality, a number of plugins have been developed for the portal, which can be activated as needed. After release, you can maintain the portal yourself and, for example, store new content.

Nextcloud – a secure and privacy-compliant cloud storage facility

Storing files in a cloud offers many advantages: Files from different users are automatically synchronised and the data is accessible everywhere and via different devices. However, data protection aspects should always be taken into account here. Especially when using external cloud services, the user gives up control over his data by uploading files to an external server, often hosted outside the EU.

In ec-ol, we offer you a secure alternative to external cloud storage with the cloud software Nextcloud, because Nextcloud was specially developed to store data encrypted in a cloud or on your own servers and to guarantee the user full control.

We install your Nextcloud server on your intranet or on a server within a German data centre. This way, the data remains within your reach at all times and you yourself control who has access to your data via detailed release permissions.  As an open application, Nextcloud also benefits from many activatable additional functions that individually expand the platform depending on the intended use.

You can find a demo version of the Nextcloud module at

To receive access data for the demo module, please contact us using our contact form

Moodle – a learning platform with (almost) endless possibilities

With Moodle, ec-ol brings along the market leader among learning management systems. The open learning platform is already in use in more than 100,000 educational institutions worldwide.

Moodle offers almost limitless possibilities. From the direct provision of learning materials to the use of gamification elements and the creation of accredited certification courses, Moodle offers everything that makes the learning world exciting.

Moodle also benefits from a strong community that supports the further development of the platform. For example, the H5P plugin, which we activate by default in Moodle, includes more than 20 interactive learning formats, such as interactive videos and presentations, flashcards and exercise types, which, easily created, can be integrated directly into the Moodle course.

You can find a demo version of the Moodle module at

To receive access data for the demo module, please contact us using our contact form

BigBlueButton – a browser-based video conferencing system

With BigBlueButton, communication becomes very simple. The video conferencing tool allows you to conduct chats and video conferences easily and securely. Participants only need a browser – nothing needs to be installed.

In the conference, you can use supporting features such as a virtual whiteboard, share your screen or pass on the presenter or moderator role to others. You can also seamlessly integrate the video conference rooms into Moodle courses and thus into your teaching scenarios.

An optional recording function allows you to record conferences if you wish. 

BigBlueButton sends all data transport-encrypted and is installed on your BigBlueButton server. All recordings and data therefore remain in your access area.

Zimbra – e-mail solution

The integrated e-mail solution Zimbra provides all users with e-mail addresses and mailboxes – ideal, for example, if not all employees of the company have a business e-mail address. Access to the e-mail box is possible from any end device directly via the browser.

User administration – rights and roles in the system

The user administration is the heart of your ec-ol system. Here you manage user accounts and allow or deny access to individual modules.  You can create new users either via the user interface or conveniently via the import function.

A database for managing users is already available in ec-ol, but the platform can also be connected to existing, company-internal databases / directory systems. This means that there is no additional effort for administration. ec-ol offers different registration types such as self-registration or third-party registration as well as various authentication options. The single sign-on function ensures that each user has access to all modules activated for him or her with just one login.


Selbstregistrierung oder Freischaltung durch Admin

You decide whether users can register themselves or need to be activated by an administrator.


Ein Login für alle Module

Your users only need one login and are then automatically logged into the connected tools.

Allocation of Rights

Detaillierte Vergabe von Benutzerrechten

You can grant or revoke access to modules at any time via the user administration.

ec-ol already contains everything you need to work or learn together.

However, if you have further requirements, please feel free to contact us.

ec-ol has already been extended in many projects with further tools, such as the video studio OpenCast, the free office suite OnlyOffice or the survey tool LimeSurvey.

Do you want to integrate existing software into your ec-ol platform or integrate your organisation’s internal media database? Do you need further tools or functions?

ec-ol can be individually extended with further modules or interfaces!